Adoption Fee for Dogs: $275.00
Adoption Fee for Cats: $195.00
Our adoption fee includes
**All age appropriate vaccines
**Spay or neuter
**Up to date on prevention
**Any medical treatment needed
**Heart worm test for dogs
**FELV/FIV testing for cats
**Microchipping (when available)
**Due to us being a shelter environment unless stated Differently we do not know if the dogs our house or crate trained.
**All cats are litter box trained
Currently the Rescue is only open By appointment and with a approved application for adoption. Please email with any questions you may have.
Ajax is a neutered male Catahoula Leopard Dog. He was born about Sept. 29, 2014. He was taken from a horrible hoarding situation along with 60+ other dogs.
He is great with people but his size may not be good with small children. He is a large big goofy boy.
He is ok with non-dominate females but would rather not have male friends. Cats would not be good either. He would do great if you had a farm where he could hang with you all day.
Billie is a spayed female Boxer mix. She was born about June 12, 2019. She is a sweet shy soul. She was found wandering the streets pregnant. Because of her lack of care while she was pregnant she lost all but one of her babies days after birth. She would do best with a single female in a calm home, as she is unsure of men. She is great with other dogs and cats. We love this girl and so will you.
Dottie is a spayed female pit mix. She was born about March 16, 2020. She was found as a stray. She is still very much a puppy in a grown dog’s body. She likes to play and get attention (belly rubs especially) and will make sure that you know she is in the room!
She is sweet-natured and high energy. She still needs some work when it comes to respecting personal space and her overall manners/jumping.
We think she would be best suited in a home without very young children. She is calm and sweet around children and loves the attention they give. As a bonus she has the softest fur you will ever touch.
Hunter is neutered male with an apprxmate birthdsay of Nov. 12 2020. Hunter is a sweet boy who was adopted from us in Jan 2021. He was returned to us Jan 26, 2024. He had started to display some food and toy guarding and they were expecting a baby soon. We have see some food guarding but the toys just seem to be play talk. We feel with the right people this will stop. He is a lovable dog and shows lots of affection. He would do great with a family, if kids are older then 10.
Idina (Dee Dee)
is a spayed female pit mix. She was born around April 6, 2021. She was returned back to us Jan. 20, 2023 after living with a family about 1 year. She is full of life and still very puppy like. She will need to be taught personal space and some potty training. She is as sweet as can be and loves everyone she meets. She may be good with some dogs but not cats. She is athletic and can jump a 6ft fence at a standstill. She would do amazing as a competitive wall jumper. Yes that is a thing. LOL
Lego is a neutered male pit mix. His birthday is about July 1, 2021. This sweet boy was found as a stray at 5 months old. He is super energetic and full of life. He adores people but would do best with children over 9 as he still needs to understand personal boundaries. He is the sweetest boy who wants nothing more that to be with his person all day long.
Mavis is a spayed female pit mix. She was born about Feb 26, 2020. She and her 4 babies were taken in by us on Feb 26, 2021. Her babies were all adopted but she is still waiting on a home. Mavis is still all puppy at heart. She loves to chase balls in the yard. She will need to learn some manners but is a great loving girl. She would do best in a home with no other animals and be your best friend.
Milo is a neutered male pit mix. His birthday is about April 15, 2018. He was adopted from us then 4 years later was found as a stray. The owners no longer wanted him so he came back home to us. He is a wonderful dog who gets along with other dogs. When someone is playing with toys with him he can get protective of them around other dogs.
Coco is a sweet shy boy. He is potty trained and good with kids and dogs. DOB is 1/2/24
Hershey is a sweet loving lab mix. DOB is 7-8-24. Neutered, microchipped and up-to-date an vaccs
Charlie is a lovable neutered boy. Full of life and love. Microchipped and up-to-date and all vaccines